Way out in the middle of the Bay of Fundy on Grand Manan Island, most folks fish for a living. And if you are going to catch fish, you need bait.

And bait is sometimes stored in huge vats; about 4 feet high and 4 feet square. Bait
smells really, really bad. Really!

I was exploring a mostly abandoned fishery. I walked past one of those bait vats. I looked
inside for some unknown reason; and something looked back at me. I was startled and started to walk away. But then I went back...

G "Could you get me out of here please?"

A "What are you doing in there?"

G "I flew in for a snack and the gunk in here got on my wings."

G "Could you get me out of here please?"

A "Well Gull, you look like a complete mess."

A "Let's see, how can I get you out?"

A "OK, I found a rope, here I'm putting a rope in there for you."

G "That's no good. I can't climb out. I'm a bird; birds don't climb."

A "Well, I thought you might grab it with your beak..."

G "Bad plan."

A "I found a piece of wood."

G "No, it's not happening, Ari."

A "How do you know my name?"

G "New plan please."

A "OK, here is a slimy, disgusting pitchfork I found inside the building."

G "PITCHFORK! You'll kill me with that thing."

A "No I won't. I will gently slide it under your body and lift you out."

G "Ari, be careful with that thing!"

A "OK, here you are."

G "You landed me on my back; turn me over now."

A "OK, there, you're right-side-up now."

A "Where are you going Gull?"

G "I'm going to jump in the sea and wash the gunk off of me"

G "He could have killed me with that pitchfork, I don't know what he was thinking..."


G "You saved my life, Ari."

G "I will forever watch over you."