Zoey “Woot, woot, woot, woot; splash”


Zoey “Splash, Woot”

A “Zoey-of-Fundy, come over here right now!”

Zoey “Hi, Ari”

A “Would you please stop chasing the Egret, she is my GF!”

Zoey “I thought D was your GF”

A “Zoe, they are one in the same; stop chasing her!”

Zoey “One and the same?”

Zoey "She doesn't look like D"

A "Zoe!"

Zoey “Oh, sorry; race you to the rock”

A “No, I can’t beat you; and the water is freezing”

Zoey “Come on Ari, I’ll give you a head start”

A “No, I can’t; stop, let go, let go of me”

Zoey “Woot, splash; I’ll count to ten by threes, head start”


Zoey "Let's get D, Egret, whatever and go to the coffeeplace for a cup of chino"

A "Right!"