M “Parlez-vous français?”

A “Excuse me, I do not speak French”

M “Ah, Monsieur Ari, I was hoping you could be of assistance”

M “I am a Great Egret; and I have fallen upon a serious dilemma which I was hoping you might help me with”

Zoey “Ari, that’s not an Egret, she is not even a bird”

A “I know that”

M “I have become entangled in these ropes and I was hoping you would rescue me”

M “And take me home with you”

Zoey “She’s not tangled up in any ropes”

A “I know that”

A “Hmmmmm”

A “My dear Mademoiselle, you are not an Egret and you are not tangled up in anything”

M “Wanna see a trick?”

A “No”

Zoey “Yes”

M “I will now convert to Stealth Mode and become completely invisible”

M “I am completely invisible now”

A “I can still see you”

Zoey “We can still see you”

M “No you can’t”

A “Good luck with your Stealth Mode; needs more work”

Zoey “Goodbye Mâchez”